When is it time to leave Iraq?
Since the invasion of Iraq four years ago I have believed that it is improper to destroy a country’s ability to police itself then leave. That is no longer my view of the situation in Iraq. Despite the efforts of US and coalition forces, the country has devolved into civil war. It is a rare day when less than 100 civilians are killed and many more wounded. If that is not a civil war I would hate to see one.
Sunnis seem to be better armed and organized, but they are a small minority with a history of oppressing their more numerous neighbors. When the tables are turned that is a recipe for genocide. The United States is not in a position to prevent whatever happens. It can influence the course of events in the short term, but everyone has always known that the Americans will go home. The only question is when. That leaves American troops in the unenviable position of giving their mental health, body parts and lives for no ultimate purpose. This is unconscionable.
It is time to acknowledge that the Iraqis must make their own political settlement, and that Iran will have significant influence. When we brought down Saddam we guaranteed that ultimate result. We are witnessing the definition of the limits of American military power, and the end of America’s imperialist agenda. The new era has begun, and it is time for America’s political leaders to accept the change.