Sunday, September 18, 2005

Finding your bunny

How to find your bunny
A few months back we acquired a rabbit. It is a show rabbit not meant to be eaten, and is pretty cute. Our granddaughter likes it a lot. We let it run around our yard, and its white fur with brown spots makes it look a lot like a living soccer ball as it bounces around. Unfortunately, a bored bunny can be a bad bunny, and last week it found a spot where it could escape the fence. So the rabbit is gone and the 7 year-old is distraught. It took us a week to get to the stage of putting up signs on light poles. Granddaughter and I went around taping them to the poles. As we were walking along a neighbor who had seen one of the first signs drove up and asked if we were looking for a rabbit. He had seen it in the yard across the street from him, two doors down from us. He had stopped pruning his trees and come looking for us to tell us. We searched and found nothing.

About dusk, rabbit active time, we went looking again and there she was in the next door front yard. The three of us surrounded the bush and she was reclaimed. Hooray! A neighbor whose name I still don’t know went out of his way to reunite us with our rabbit. That is really special these days, and makes me long for the days growing up in Kansas when I knew everyone in a two-block radius from my house.

The rabbit is back in her hutch scarfing pellets and Timothy hay. The hole under the gate is blocked, and all’s right with the world, at least right here. It takes me back to simpler times before central air conditioning, when we knew the people around us. If it weren’t for the lost rabbit, and the lost kitten before, I would have no idea who lived in the nearby houses. Maybe that should change.

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